
Hayden Morris trained in medicine at the University of Melbourne and graduated in 1983. During basic surgical training, Hayden spent one year at the University of Melbourne as anatomy and physiology tutor.

Hayden underwent orthopaedic training in Victoria and was admitted to the Royal Australian College of Surgeons in 1992. He then undertook overseas study in Europe, Britain and the USA, specialising in musculo-skeletal oncology and knee surgery.

Hayden specialises in surgery of the knee. He performs over 1,200 procedures per year and is an expert in the traditional fields of arthroscopy, reconstruction and knee replacement surgery. He is also at the forefront of newer techniques, including autologous cartilage implantation and meniscal replacement, and has developed a new minimally invasive knee replacement.

Hayden is a director of the Melbourne Knee Fellowship, responsible for training overseas specialists in the art of knee surgery. He is also a regular presenter at local, national and international forums.